Saturday, April 24, 2010

Inner Beauty

You know when you meet someone and there's just something different about them? Some call it charisma, or charm, but another explanation could be inner beauty.
That certain glow, a look of inner peace, a graceful smile: it reflects what is held within.
How to achieve this "je ne sais quoi" or certain something?

Here are a few suggestions to help cultivate and maintain a new and deeper persona.

1. Appreciate and live with a sense of deep gratitude every day for the blessings in your life: shelter, good food, family and friends,your sight, hearing, sense of touch, smell and taste. I am sure your list could extend to many more.

2. Meditate. The benefits of meditation are many and well documented .... peace, focus, relaxation and that sense of inner wellbeing we all crave.

3. Kindness. Emit innate kindness to all beings: this will be returned to you one hundredfold.

4. Spend time in nature: connect with the earth.

5. Make a spiritual connection, whether it be to God, the Universe, Buddha, or to your higher self.

6. No matter how badly your day is going, smile at everyone you meet, whether it be in the street, at work, or at home. It will light up your face and transform your whole being, and will brighten someone else's day.

7. Spread loving thoughts - remember everyone is on their own journey, our job is not to judge, but to support our fellow travellers.


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