Saturday, June 27, 2009

Every Day Is Special!

I was recently asked, "What is your favourite day of the week?" Although my first instinct was to say Sunday because it is a day when I can relax, spend time with family and friends, go for a walk on the beach, or just veg. out at home, I began to think, well, every day is special and no matter what challenges or disasters occur, that day will never come again.

There are opportunities everywhere in every day to enjoy moments of pleasure, no matter how small, no matter how bad your circumstances may be. You may be presented with an opportunity to help a friend, or even a total stranger, in turn giving you a sense of wellbeing and achievement.

Health challenges are there to be bourne and overcome on a daily basis, but even at our lowest ebb we can glean a spark of wisdom and joy in the overcoming.

I have found that keeping a journal of my thoughts and the things I have learned on a day to day basis is a most rewarding exercise, it only takes a few minutes to quickly review the day, and you may be surprised at the jewels you will find there.


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