Sunday, June 07, 2009


How many of us suffer or have suffered from lack of sleep due to stress, anxiety, lifestyle (late nights), hormone imbalances, or many other causes?

Nothing can be so frustrating as lying in bed with countless thoughts whirling through your mind or waking at 4 or 5am unable to fall back to sleep!

Here are a few helpful strategies which I have found to be of great benefit during times when I have suffered from this disturbing situation.

1. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow. Lavender is a potent oil for relaxation and is calming to your mind.

2. Try a cup of chamomile tea before bed.

3. Avoid caffeine and alcohol during the evening, as they are stimulants.

4. Use Lifewave Silent Nights non-transdermal patches which utilize new technology to gently stimulate acupuncture points, improving the flow of energy in the body for significant sleep improvement. They really work!


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