Saturday, August 22, 2009

Spring Is In The Air!

Spring is just around the corner, (for us here in the Southern Hemisphere) and I, like most of us am ready to emerge from my winter gear and enjoy the balmy spring air. But as we are often prone to do, a few extra unwanted kilos may have deposited themselves onto our bodies over the winter months.

Time to engage in some exercise, tone our muscles, regain our fitness for the summer months to come, and cut down on those fattening, warming, comforting foods

But doing so isn't always easy, in fact it can be quite a challenge and summer salads every day not quite as appealing as we would wish.

Try cutting back gradually, not in one fell swoop! I like to give myself a little assistance with SP6 Appetite Control Patches, which use the principles of Acupressure to help with hunger pangs and sugar cravings. The best thing is there are no pills or drugs being added to my body, they are all natural and safe.

Lets make sure that this summer we look and feel our very best!


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