Thursday, January 12, 2006

Life's Little Secrets No. 10

When situations get you down and you feel irritation rising to the surface, think on the big picture and ask yourself "Will this be important in 4 weeks time?"

Then let it dissipate from your heart and mind.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Happy New Year

I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year and whether or not you have made any resolutions, maybe these few thoughts could make a difference as to how you traverse through 2006.

Laugh and express your joy more freely.
Show kindness to all your fellow beings.
Tell someone how much you love them.
Enjoy nature in all it's wonder.
Always apologise when in the wrong.
Keep promises to everyone, but especially those made to a child.
Show gratitude for a kindness received, and indeed for all the gifts the Universe extends each and every day.